Thursday 2 November 2017

Dreams...They Do Come True of the most common things in our everyday life. A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. A processes as common as eating & sleeping......yet so special & sometimes mysterious as well. 
Everytime we sleep, we may have 4-5 , calculating for the whole lifetime...there are countless of them....some meaningful,some representing our desires & some, just illusion of the mind. 

But besides all these dreams, the most special are the dreams seen after waking up.....the dreams seen with open eyes are the most significant ones in our life....many of us relish them, and many just dismiss them....considering them to be quite impossible. These dreams are actually the ones which open our heart out to us & present those desires which even we ourselves don't dare to wish for. 

Dreams as sweet as nectar.....Dreams as high as the sky...Dreams which have no bindings...Dreams which allow us to dive deepest in the depths of oceans & fly the farthest in the sky...Dreams which don't see our social or economical status... Dreams which believe in our abilities to the extend even we ourselves can't! I agree, some dreams are impossible....but beside those hypothetical dream, there are numerous of them which are absolutely possible!!!

 Sometimes... thinking of those dreams can be quite depressive too because our society teaches us to do what is expected from do what is safe... to do what has a guarantee of grabbing a success! But is that really worth it???

Could we have ever flied if Wright Brothers too had just dismissed their dream thinking it to be so unreal....... would we have got our Superstars Rajinikanth & Amitabh Bachchan if they had dismissed their dream & continued with their "So-Called" Normal life.....due to their lack of courage or maybe just because the society was not ready to accept them! We have got only one life....and that life is meant to be lived to the fullest! Our marks, social status or money doesn't define us!
It is these dreams which define us.....and more than them, our courage to either believe in them or go on with the crowd defines us. 

Taking the road not taken may seem very scary at the moment but have we ever imagined how would we feel when at the dawn of our life, we will look back & think that our life could have been special if we would had believed in those dreams.....the dreams which may seem silly today will take the form of one of the strongest regrets we ever had.....Would we be able to persuade our inner self that what we did was right? Would we be happy while taking those last breaths?? I really don't think so! If we don't try it atleast a few times ....atleast to assure to ourselves that the particular dream was really Hypothetical! Or should I say, every dream is hypothetical till someone takes up the challenge to make it true! 

So I think, it's better to regret failing after trying something rather than to regret for not doing something! There is a hidden superhuman in each one of us & these dreams are just the most minor reflections of what this superhuman can do! 
Now it is UpTo us to either keep this superhuman hidden deep inside us.. or to make it utilize it's powers to the fullest 

Just BELIEVE IN YOURSELF because there are so many people who believe in you....and if you gather up the courage today, I can guarantee,....THE WHOLE WORLD WILL ALSO BE COMPLELLED TO BELIEVE IN YOU SOME DAY!!!


  1. Amazingly expressed and beautiful thoughts😍😍

  2. Super-duper!! This is truly inspiring Mona 😘😘 Those last few lines 😍😍😍 Keep blogging πŸ‘
