Tuesday 27 February 2018

When the going gets TOUGH….the TOUGH gets going….

Recently faced the first professional politics of my life….and for a person like me who enjoys living in her fairytale life,it was very difficult to handle….or should I say,unbearable to some extent.

But now I feel lucky to have experienced it….atleast I will beaware of it all my life due to this experience.

Just want to say,if someone is trying to let you down, don’t give up……the biggest defeat of those people will be to see you SHINE inspite of soooo much of hardwork put up by them. It’s a tried & tested formula…….even if that plotter manages to lessen your scope, prove that person wrong in that little scope itself. Don’t let your ego play the card.

Talent can never be hidden….if you have it in you,it is bound to come out no matter what & no matter how short is the span you are performing for.

And those people who find happiness in letting down others , they have already lost to that person….because a person is insecure of someone only when that person is better than himself\herself.

So,just be proud of yourself whenever someone tries to let you down.

Just believe in yourself……Don’t let anyone steal your peace of mind…..don’t let anyone manipulate you or the people around you against you…..don’t let that person accomplish those wrong intentions….and most important of all,don’t be impulsive at that moment….cool down,and only then,  go for a decision.

Remember, nobody can defeat you until you yourself decide to give up……and the regret of giving up is very haunting…much worse than even getting defeated. So, better, root for yourself & fight like that soldier who knows his defeat is inevitable but fights till the last breath……till there is that last breath, There is life, Till there is life, 

Till there is courage, there is hope

And till there is hope, How can someone loose

Keep trying until you compel all your hurdles to bow down and perish.

Who knows,that last try from which you are Backing off may be the winning try

Keep up your self confidence….and success will surely kiss your feet someday or the other

Most importantly…….just keep in mind that these hurdles may be painful at the moment…but when you will look back at them in the future, they will be like the Badges on your shoulders. Just enjoy these hurdles…..just think how boring life would have been if it turned out to be predictable & behaved just the way we want it to. Just embrace your hurdles & struggles happily because these hurdle stories & not the “Perfect” stories will be the centre of attraction when you will sit on the rocking chair & tell your life story to your grand children. And trust me, your personal adventures will be MUCHHHH more intresting than all those adventures across the pages of their  favourite Adventure Story books because they will be yours….they will be knitted with your emotions & weaved with your feelings.

So when the situations are adverse, when the way out is difficult…….just gather all your strength , face the situation & conquer it. Just Prove Yourself& show the world Your Worth.



  1. very well written.I think everyone who have a work life e experience have faced this sort of politics and trust me it's effect very badly in our life.Sometimes all we feel like just leave the place and never come back.But from my personal experience I can say once you survive the situation that hell will turn haven one day.very inspiring post.👏👏will love to know more of your experiences...keep writing 😊😊

    1. My experience too was awesome......I proved my worth in that limited opportunity itself :)
